Product Details
Simply drive thru with any equipment, tractor, feed wagons, round-bale feeders, pick-ups etc... safely without electrical shock to the operator. Spring loaded gate swings closed automatically.
- Adjustable 13 ft. to 19 ft.
- Protects the finish of the farm vehicles as the metal never touches the vehicle.
- Holds cattle, hogs, sheep and horses like an electric fence.
- The Drive-Thru Gate can be energized with any of our energizers.
- The fiberglass polyethylene arms support the electrical yellow coated streamers that hang down giving a harmless shock when the animal touches them. They will respect the gate.
- Flexible polyethylene arms break away if they should become caught on a tractor or vehicle.
- Simple and easy to install. Insulators are already on gate; four nails install each side.
- 20 lbs. UPS - 30 ft. underground cable standard.